January Gardening Advice and tips
As temping as it is to stay indoors in the warmth during January, the days are now lengthening and things are starting to grow. Now is the best time to plan your garden for the coming year and order seeds and plants. On those lovely dry sunny days check your winter protection, stakes, ties, supports and covers are still holding up for the coming months snow and severe winds.
Don't forget wildlife needs a bit of help, by this time of year fruit and insects are scarce, so put out some fat balls, meal worms, seeds and nuts.
Jobs For January
- Recycle your Christmas tree by shredding it for mulch
- Clean pots and greenhouses
- Clean paths and patios
- Dig over flower beds that haven't already been done if they are vacant of blubs and seedlings from last season
- Disperse worm casts in lawns to avoid moss and weeds growing in it
- Inspect your stored tubers (Dahlia, Begonia and Canna) for rot or drying out
- Prune fruit trees such as apple and pear
- Birds need food and water during this month
More articles about wildlife gardening:
1. How to attract birds to your garden
2. How to attract bees to your garden
3. Sowing and growing wildflowers