June Gardening Advice and Tips
June has the longest day of the year, it's getting warmer so those weeds will be popping up everywhere. Keep on top of them by hoeing regularly in dry conditions.
Jobs For June
- Aucuba Japonica- take semi-ripe cuttings in summer, selecting healthy shoots from the current year's growth that has just started to become woody.
- Baliota Pseudodictanus- take cuttings of short, non-flowering side-shoots in July and August, and root in a propagator.
- Baskets- position summer hanging baskets and containers outside
- Campanula-plant now.
- Corn Marigold- sow direct to soil.
- Euonymus- prune again to keep it in shape.
- Helianthemum Henfield Brilliant- take softwood cuttings
- Hylotelephium Spectabile Brilliant- soft wood cuttings from non-flowering stems
- Fatsia Japonica- time for planting Fatsias
- Field Poppies- sow direct to soil (Buy Field Poppy Seeds)
- Forget-me-nots- sow direct to soil (Buy Forget-me-not seeds)
- Foxgloves- sow in pots outdoors. Plant out in September or next Spring. (Buy Foxglove seeds)
- Fuchsia- take soft wood cuttings from fast growing stems about 6-8cm long. You can place them in water on your kitchen window, then pot up once roots appear, keep them inside. Put them out next year after frosts.
- Garlic- harvest when leaves turn yellow
- Gaura Lindheimeri- take cuttings, or plant now. Flowers should start appearing this month.
- Greenhouses- shade greenhouses to keep them cool and prevent leaves from scorching
- Mow Lawns- at least once a week - if you're into nature try and leave it as long as possible and let the wildflowers grow, and give nature somewhere to live.
- Penstemons- It's time to buy Penstemons. Cuttings can now be transferred from pots to flower beds.
- Prune- spring flowering shrubs such as: Forsythia, Lilac, Fuchsias, Apples, Cherries, Pears, Privet, Laurel, Camellia, Ceanothus
- Salvia- plant late May or early June - as long as the last frosts have cleared.
- Stake- tall or floppy plants to protect from winds
- Strawberries- harvest fruits
- Tomato Plants- outside once temps are above 16c
- Viburnum- take greenwood cuttings now
- Wallflower- plant perennials. Sow wallflowers outdoors. They need to be in the soil they will eventually grow in, add lots of garden soil to the compost. Leave in shade. Plant out in October or Spring. Do not move them after planting, their roots will not like it.
- Water- early morning or late evening, be mindful of watering during droughts or drought affected areas
- Weeding- Hoe borders regularly to keep down weeds
- Yellow rattle- sow direct to soil. (Buy Yellow Rattle Seeds)