March Gardening Advice and Tips
By the time we reach mid-March Spring should have arrived. Now there are more frequent sunny days, this gives us the opportunity to increase our range of gardening tasks. Now's the time to prepare seed beds, sowing seeds, cutting back winter shrubs and generally tidying up around the garden.
Jobs For March
- Protect new spring shoots from slugs
- Prepare seedbeds for sowing wildflowers
- Plant Bulbs in the Green - There's still time to plant spring-planting bulbs. For best results, plant them in well-drained soil at the recommended depth to ensure strong growth and vibrant blooms.
- Help the Birds - At this time of year, birds need a safe place to nest. Put up nesting boxes and provide high-protein food sources to support birds through the breeding season.
- Sow Grass Seed - Sow a grass seed mixture to create a new lawn, or to repair tired, damaged patches. This will help improve the overall health of your garden and promote a lush, green space.
- Plant Bare-Root Trees and Hedging - Native bare-root trees and hedging whips should be planted before the end of this month. Species like dogwood and rowan are excellent choices for gardens and support local biodiversity by providing food and shelter for wildlife.
- Lift and divide overgrown clumps of perennials - Bleeding heart, Geraniums etc)
- Top dress containers with fresh compost
- Mow the lawn.
- Cut back Cornus (dogwood) grown for their colourful winter stems
- Hoe and mulch weeds to keep them under control early
- Prune bush and climbing roses
- Keep an eye on Fuchsias - Once you spot new growth cut off all the old bark. Some Fuchsias have new growth before others, so don't think because there is no new growth yet that the plant is dead.
- Rosemary - Trim after flowering. Sow seeds. Take softwood cuttings.
- Lavender - Trim. Take softwood cuttings.
- Thyme - Trim old plants. Sow seeds. Divide established plants. Layer old plants.
- Buddleia - Making a decision when to prune your buddleia heavily depends on the weather in your area. March is usually the best time, but you'll have to determine when the last frosts are over with.
Here are some articles you may also be interested in:
1. How to attract birds to your garden
2. How to attract bees to your garden
3. Sowing and growing wildflowers